Tuesday, December 28, 2004

woodlewog: Harrigan's dogblog

Hello. My name is Llewellyn and this is woodlewog, Harrigan's dogblog. Harry is my dog and inspiration. I raised him from a pup and he accompanies me through mid-life. Fifteen and a half years now and counting.
This picture shows Harry soon after he came into our lives:

Harry at 9 weeks and Llewellyn at 2,059 weeks
Papers attest that Harrigan is a Tibetan Terrier, nee Rocky Hill's Zeigfeld Folly, born February 17, 1989. But we all know Harry is a woodlewog, a good doogan and a criminal. While born on Rocky Hills Farm in Chester, Pennsylvania, he’s not exactly a farm dog. He’s a city dog, a street dog, a cement dog, a living room dog. And though he spent his first thirteen years living half a block from Central Park, he rarely attended the canine galas there or their dangerous social life, rampant with fleas and disease.
Don't think of him as sheltered! He’s a feisty scrapper and been around the block, over 7,000 times by my personal tally. Still, he never risked an urban off-leash romp, unlike others who received a nasty $100 ticket from Sanitation or, much worse, a fatal bump on the head from an encounter with a passing vehicle.
Call me over-protective. Call me anal. Mea culpa. He’s my first child.

Cast of Characters
Here are some individuals who may appear in or contribute to or complain about woodlewog.
Harry’s natural father; a survivor with a prize-winning coat, but just-plain folk.
Miss Piggy
His mother; attentive, sweet, oft-pregnant. Major influence for Harry’s first 8 weeks, oh well.
Harry’s first adoptive mother and a major influence during his upbringing. Streaked his fur with colored markers.
Harry’s step-mother for the past several years; has taught the old dog several new tricks. Not to be outdone by Hillary’s store-bought dog couture, invented “Paper-towel Boy”, the economical Halloween costume.
Ultimate Harry detractor. Calls Harry a poof-dog. Has a farm in Jersey and sheep. Which he slaughters. Leaps easily to euthanasia. Can’t wear shorts.

The Plan
Through these pages, I intend to demonstrate to the world that Harrigan is indeed a woodlewog, in every sense of the word. I will document his exploits, his qualms, his deceptions and his loves. Perhaps we may even examine the nuances of stooginess, though it is a difficult concept to explain and risks destruction in the process.
So here I offer bits and pieces of Harrigan: words, pictures, textures, clips of sound and fur, carefully selected for your enjoyment, drawn from the first fifteen years and looking toward the next fifteen.
With that in mind, Onward, woodlewog! Onward and backward!